Mission Statement/Philosophy/Goals
Mission Statement
Many agencies contribute to the growth of the individual, but the school has as its specific purpose the direction of such growth. It is an agency that concerns itself principally with the development of each individual to the utmost of his/her social, physical, intellectual, and emotional potential.
Educational Philosophy
Every individual undergoes a continuous process of physical, mental, and emotional change, generally considered to be growth. Growth may be random, or it may be directed and, if directed, it can be called education.
It is the Hudson R-IX’s obligation to take every child, no matter who they are or how capable they are, and help develop their total being to the utmost limits. The district’s existence should depend upon its ability to contribute as a worthwhile program of academic instruction while striving to assist in the growth of each child in social, physical and emotional capabilities.
The Hudson R-IX school district is professionally and morally obligated to make all students aware of their own interests, abilities and potentials.
It is the district’s obligation to also demonstrate to all children they should use their learning in society and be a contributing part of the total society. The school must prepare every student to assume his/her place in society and to perform his/her responsibilities as a useful citizen.
To continue to provide the children of this district a strong academic program in a well-disciplined, traditional setting.
To continue to provide and maintain a learning environment for the children which will be safe, secure, and comfortable.
To continue to keep a well-informed staff who strive to take their students to their maximum potential.
To continue to nurture a positive relationship between school and community.
To provide our students with the most current, comprehensive curriculum, and to surround them with the technology to further enhance their knowledge.
To maintain a high level of standards and expectations from our students, and the ability to compete with all others in our society.