Grade cards are issued quarterly. Parents will receive the grade card at the parent-teacher conference at the end of the first quarter. Students will be given the grade cards for the other quarters. Parents should study these reports, sign them and return them promptly to the school. Grades for all subjects in grades 3-8 will be:
E= Excellent 96% or above 96 E-, 97 E-, 98 E, 99 E, 100 E
S= Superior 95% - 90% 95 S+, 94 S+, 93 S, 92 S, 91 S-, 90 S-
M= Average 89% - 80% 89 M+, 88 M+, 87 M+, 86 M+, 85 M,
84 M, 83 M-, 82 M-, 81 M-, 80 M-
I= Inferior 79% - 70% 79 I+, 78 I+, 77 I+, 76 I+, 75 I, 74 I, 73 I-,72 I-, 71 I-, 70 I-
F= Failing 69% or below
Mid-quarter progress reports go out each quarter. Passing grades cannot be granted to students having excessive inexcusable absences. Make-up work shall be determined by the classroom teacher. The value of classroom instruction cannot be over-emphasized. Lectures, interpretations and discussions are not possible to make up if a student is absent. They can only make up the writing and reading materials missed during the absence.